Tuesday, 18 March 2008

A1 A2 A3

Been super busy recently with remixes and new songs. Uploaded Mix me on our myspace, go check it if you haven't already heard it. The bassline is of a toy, but with technology and shit loads of compression anything is possible these days.
My throat is hurting from the polish cigarettes, i have smoked to many.

But anyways our next live gig is at Bank in Port Talbot, should be a big night. Last time we played it was so much fun. Playing with our friends Tapedeck aswell so its gonna be fun!
See you there!

Christian Shank

1 comment:

harcor said...

Christian what is that toy called (I know it says 'disc mixer' but google doesn't throw anything up)?

I had the exact same thing a few years ago, and I'm starting to dick around with toys now with my mate (met you at doncaster yesterday we did), so it would help lots :)

Cheers man, keep up the fucking awesome sound :)